
Iraq War

Australia's participation in the attack upon Iraq is illegal, immoral and ultimately criminal, an act of outright banditry and state terrorism. John Howard, his ministers and a number of high public servants have perpetuated the lies and deception of the Bush administration upon the Australian people in order to promote Australia's involvement. In doing so he has brought complicity upon the Australian nation to the obscene and hideous crimes committed by the Bush administration against the Iraqi people. He has also predisposed the Australian nation to likely retribution by those seeking revenge for the injustices and crimes perpetrated upon them.

The Bush administration actively sought to spread the blood of their crimes upon the hands of as many nations as possible.The participant nations of the Coalition Of The Willing stand exposed in utter disgrace and criminality. Their actions condemn them as terrorist states.

I Marijonas Vilkelis, the author of this web page, accuse the US and its Coalition partners - many of whom were threatened or seduced into participation with the Bush administration - of Crimes against Humanity and with War Crimes, committed in their attack upon the sovereign state of Iraq, its leaders and its people.

The Blair and Howard governments in particular stand especially accused because of their eagerness and enthusiasm to participate in the US attack, and to continue perpetuating lies and deception to support their action.

At least one complaint has been filed with the International Criminal Court (ICC) requesting it to prosecute members of the Howard government, the prior Governor General, and particular public servants, with complicity in these said crimes.

The submission is still awaiting appraisal by the ICC prosecutor. Should the ICC, which is the judicial arm of the UN, fail to recommend, or to take action without sufficient or credible explanation, local civil action must be taken.

The unjust and immoral death, injury and destruction the Coalition has visited upon the Iraqi people and their nation must not be forgiven or forgotten until the individuals responsible are brought to justice and compensation to the Iraqi people is initiated.

US and coalition crimes in Afghanistan are presently outside the jurisdiction of the ICC, but should not be ignored. Instead, the feasability of local legal prosecution is being investigated.